The Egatz Epitaph

Survivre avec un minimum de dégâts.

Category: copyright

The Ethicist on Multiple Formats

Randy Cohen and his alter ego, the Ethicist, recently weighed in on a the ethics of pirating format number two if you already purchased format number one. In this case, surprise, surprise, we’re talking about e-books. As a consumer who has bought music, for instance, on an original album release, a cassette release, a CD […]

Copyright Permissions and Micropayments

Marc Aronson recently published interesting thoughts on the cost of copyright reprints, e-books and micropayments. With permission costs spiraling out of control, many publishers have encouraged authors to not include excerpts of poems, song lyrics, or photos in their work. Authors can’t afford these costs when self-publishing, of course. Publishers themselves are throwing darts blindfolded […]