The Egatz Epitaph

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Category: publishing

The New Dawn of Comics

Although I hung up my comics collecting before junior high, there’s been some very interesting buzz about the future of the business. BusinessWeek ran this story about an early iPad adopting publishing subgenre: comic book publishers. Disney-owned Marvel let loose their comic book application at the launch of the iPad. It enables sales of 500 […]

Doubting the iBookstore?

If you’re doubting the way consumers are pushing the publishing industry, witness the numbers released by Apple. In just a few days since the release of the iPad, the facts are: 450,000 iPads sold 600,000 iBooks downloaded That’s a weekend and perhaps a couple of days. The dollars are speaking. The trees are rejoicing.

Copyright Permissions and Micropayments

Marc Aronson recently published interesting thoughts on the cost of copyright reprints, e-books and micropayments. With permission costs spiraling out of control, many publishers have encouraged authors to not include excerpts of poems, song lyrics, or photos in their work. Authors can’t afford these costs when self-publishing, of course. Publishers themselves are throwing darts blindfolded […]

This Could be the Last Time

Chad Harbach has sold a novel about Wisconsin baseball for approximately $650,000. Much is being made in the media about his being essentially an unemployed Harvard grad. He edits a literary journal, probably the most thankless job after editing an independent literary press. Good for you, Mr. Harbach. Although I’d rather watch my garbage cans […]

iBooks Application Available

Weighing in at 18.1 megabytes, Apple’s iBooks application is now available for download to use on the iPad. It’s users’ gateway to the iBookstore, where readers can purchase books and periodicals. Aside from most Americans essentially being unable to read anything longer than what can fit on a milk carton, can anyone explain why iBooks […]

Steve Jobs Changes the World Again

Despite all the iPad hype, very quietly, Jobs has done it again. When it comes to writers, we have much to be thankful for regarding Apple CEO Steven P. Jobs. Famously, his vision and ability to identify quality enabled him to observe computer interface developments created at Xerox PARC. He built his own, superior version […]